Monday, June 25, 2012

Hyperwaste Art Expo

Each syndicate and the Enviro group completed an art piece making our statements about waste. The Juniors made theirs from chippee bags, the Middles from old CD's and the Seniors from a mixture of waste making the statement-'Time 2 Change.' The Enviro group made theirs from recycled paper. A representative from each group took their lunch into the expo to look at all the art created by other schools and community groups. What great ideas everyone had!

">Hyperwaste on PhotoPeach

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Gardening at Matariki

Gardening at Matariki is a time to plant garlic.


Isabelle has sadly passed away. Watch this space for her replacement. Room 10 celebrated her life by making chicken cupcakes and sharing stories about her at her place of burial. We then ate the cupcakes.